- Copyright Notice
- Epigraph
- Forward... the WHY of it All
- An Introductory Look at Paul of Tarsus
- A Few of the Bible's "Smaller Hints"
- Paul preaches "in his own name"...
- Paul claims the title of spiritual "Father"...
- Paul was blinded by his spiritual "awakening"...
- Paul downplays the innate holiness of "little children"...
- Paul is without doubt a man "of the world"...
- Paul affirms all within the "one body" (regardless of doctrinal differences)...
- Some even say that the Bible shows Paul to be "the Antichrist"...
- The book of Revelation strongly hints that Paul is a false prophet...
- Jesus and Paul: a Look at their Lives
- Their citizenship...
- Their personal wealth...
- How they "made their living"...
- Their affiliations with and towards the Pharisees...
- To whom they most readily preached...
- How they dealt with temptation...
- How they dealt with threats of violence...
- How they dealt with accusations of wrongdoing...
- Jesus and Paul: a Look at their Personalities
- Paul's cowardice and Jesus' courage...
- Paul's arrogance and Jesus' humility...
- Paul's callousness and Jesus' caring...
- Paul's condemnation and Jesus' forgiveness...
- Paul's divisiveness and Jesus' peacemaking...
- Paul's passive-aggression and Jesus' gentle kindness...
- Paul's deceitfulness and Jesus' honesty...
- Jesus and Paul: a Look at their Preaching
- Paul's pious boasting and Jesus' humble quietude...
- Paul's heated preaching and Jesus' calm teaching...
- Paul's loyalty to allies and Jesus' devotion to strangers...
- Paul's manipulation of Scripture and Jesus' use thereof...
- Paul's malleable theology and Jesus' consistent Way...
- Jesus and Paul: their Conflicting Theologies
- Paul's replacing of the Law vs Jesus' reformation of it...
- Paul and our innate sin vs Jesus and our inherent divinity...
- Paul guided by convenience and convention vs Jesus abiding by "the Fruit of the Tree"...
- Paul calling for obedience to human authorities vs Jesus encouraging the transcendence thereof...
- Paul believing God to live in heaven "up above" vs Jesus knowing GOD to reside in Heaven within...
- Paul believing God to be a meter of harsh punishment vs Jesus knowing GOD'S Love to be truly unconditional...
- Paul believing God is the one who saves "the worthy" vs Jesus teaching that each of us must save ourselves...
- Paul equating the "Gospel" with Jesus' resurrection vs Jesus defining his "Gospel" as Salvation via Love...
- Paul professing obedience to Jesus for salvation of self vs Jesus desiring service to God via sacrificing for others...
- Paul: an Apostle of Delightful Irony
- Conclusion: Returning to the Way of Christ
Smaller Hints
Contrasts Part 1
Contrasts Part 2
Contrasts Part 3
Contrast #17: Paul's heated preaching and Jesus' calm teaching...
As mentioned previously, Paul tended to inspire vehement argument and aggressive opposition whenever and wherever he preached. Indeed, he is seen arguing with Hellenists,(Acts 9:29.) debating with Judean Jews,(Acts 15:2.) disagreeing sharply with Barnabas,(Acts 15:39.) haranguing Thessalonians,(Acts 17:2.) quarreling with Athenians,(Acts 17:17.) squabbling with Corinthians,(Acts 18:4.) bickering with Ephesians(Acts 19:8-9.) stirring up dissension between Pharisees and Sadducees,(Acts 13:6-9.) and inspiring stark disagreement amongst Roman Jews.(Acts 28:24-25.) But it was not only the author of Acts who portrayed him in this light, as even in his own letters Paul openly brags about