Jesus's Words

The Instant, No. 4, July 7

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In "Christendom" all are Christians; when all are Christians, the New Testament eo ipso does not exist, yea, it is impossible

The Christianity of the New Testament rests upon the assumption that the Christian is in a relationship of opposition, that to be a Christian is to believe in God, to love Him, in a relationship of opposition. While according to the Christianity of the New Testament the Christian has all the effort, the conflict, the anguish, which is connected with doing what is required, dying from the world, hating oneself, etc., he has at the same time to suffer from the relationship of opposition to other men, which the New Testament speaks of again and again : to be hated by others, to be persecuted, to suffer for the doctrine, etc.

In "Christendom" we are all Christians — therefore the relationship of opposition drops out. In this meaningless sense they have got all men made into Christians, and got everything Christian — and then (under the name of Christianity) we live a life of paganism. They have not ventured defiantly, openly, to revolt against Christianity; no, hypocritically and knavishly they have done away with it by falsifying the definition of what it is to be a Christian. It is of this I say that it is: (i) a criminal case, (2) that it is playing Christianity, (3) taking God for a fool.

Every hour this lasts the crime is continued; every Sunday that divine worship is conducted in this manner Christianity is played as a game and God is taken for a fool; everyone who participates is participating in playing Christianity and taking God" for a fool, and is thus implicated in the Christian criminal case.

Yea, O God, if there were no eternity — the most untruthful word that ever was spoken in the world, Thou, O God of truth, hast spoken: Be not deceived, God will not be mocked.

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