Paul visited Caesarea and had a unique experience.
Paul was sought by prophets, bound and told not to go to Jerusalem. Why would God have to send prophets to prevent Paul from going to Jerusalem if Paul had so many revelations from Jesus? Why would Jesus not tell Paul himself?
Paul ignored these prophets.
And so Paul went and Paul brought Trophimus with him.(Acts 20:4.) Trophimus's presence ended up defiling the temple.
We cannot blame Trophimus for this. He was not a Jew, whereas Paul was a learned Pharisee, who obviously should have know of this custom of the temple. Since Paul disobeyed God, who sent him a message via prophets, Paul caused the temple to be defiled. Such defilement enraged the Jews (evidenced by the fact that they apprehended Paul thereafter). This enragement would leave them less willing to listen to the gospel of the Kingdom and thus serves no real purpose.
Value of this Evidence
This is fantastic evidence that Paul was not a real apostle of Christ. That Paul would not listen to the prophets show that he was not a real apostle, as a real apostle would be humble enough to receive instruction even by the lowest of people. Did Jesus not say,